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5 bytes added, 06:34, 20 October 2015
A Treatise on the Art of a Hilarious DM
==A Treatise on the Art of a Hilarious DM==
''“Sometimes it's going to suck to be you. Other times it's going to be hilarious.”''
I don’t see D&D as a cooperative player vs monster game. We (the GM and the players) are gathering together to create a story, not grind 20 levels on the random woodland critters and then start the story. Your characters are supposed to face impossible odds, overcome challenges the size of mountains (sometimes the challenges are ''actual '' mountains), and ultimately persevere or die trying. At the end of the day, I want this to be a fun storytelling experience where we all feel important to the outcome of our creation, where we all contribute to the trials and tribulations and beheading of baddies (or goodies) within our story. That said, I will break the rules as written with GM fiat when I feel it is appropriate to do so. Sometimes things will happen (good or bad) to your character that will make you feel strongly. and that's good. Because the more I can ignite your passion about your character’s outcome, the more passion you will put into helping myself and the other players tell this story.
'''Rocks fall, everyone dies.'''

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