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Balanced Wealth (3.5e Variant Rule)

282 bytes added, 21:45, 5 November 2016
test table
Characters can gain the benefits of a number of magic items of specific ranks as shown in the table below. However, remember that one can only gain the benefits of up to five magic items at a time. For the purpose of this limit, one-use items (such as potions and scrolls) and non-weapon/shield items that must be held and require an action to activate (such as the [[SRD:Horn_of_Blasting|Horn of Blasting]] or the [[SRD:Drums_of_Panic|Drums of Panic]]) don't count towards your five magic item limit. The DM, however, has final say on whether any given item counts against the limit or not.
{|style="float:right; border:1px solid #8C794E; margin-left: 5px; padding:2px" width="660px;"|{sidebar|style="background-color:#E6D88D;"|-style="text-align:center;"|'''Granular Item Cost List'''|-style="text-align:justify;"|Some people feel as though the Least, Lesser, and Greater distinctions are not granular enough. For those who want a more granular system where item levels are more easily defined, use the following table. Each row lists the maximum any item can cost, from highest to lowest. So at 4th level, you would be limited to attuning three items, the highest costing 1,500 gold pieces or less, the second-highest costing 750 gold pieces or less, and the lowest costing 250 gold pieces or less.|}|-|{| class="zebra d20mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"style="float:right; width:660px;"|-
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: Granular Item Cost Limit}}</div>
! Character<br>Level || Item One || Item Two || Item Three || Item Four || Item Five
| 1 || &mdash; || &mdash; || &mdash; || &mdash; || &mdash;
| 20|| 220,000 || 171,250 || 132,500 || 102,500 || 78,750
|}}{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <div></div>

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