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Plushie Fighter (3.5e Racial Substitution Levels)

20 bytes added, 19:21, 3 September 2009
Name change (bot-assisted)
===Plushie Fighter Substitution Levels===
Note: Only [[Eijilund Eiji-kunlund Plushies (3.5e Race)|Eijilund Eiji-kunlund Plushies]] are eligible for these. Plushie [[SRD:Fighter|Fighters]] are more common than you'd think, given their small size and weak bodies. They use their size to their advantage, becoming brutal [[Dex]] based swashbucklers and lightly armored archers.
{| class="d20"
Back to [[Main Page]] → [[Dungeons and Dragons]] → [[3.5e Character Options|Character Options]] → [[3.5e Racial Substitution Levels|Racial Substitution Levels]] → [[3.5e Eijilund Eiji-kunlund Plushie Racial Substitution Levels|Eijilund Eiji-kunlund Plushie]].
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