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|lvl1=You gain the feat [[SRD:Improved_Metamagic| Improve Metamagic]]
|lvl3= You get a bonus to your caster level equal to your ability modifier for spells on your spells. This does not increase your over all Caster level.( Ex. If they it says 1round/Level. and you are a level 15 wizard with 16 int. It would be 18 instead of 15)
|lvl6= Equal to your ability modifier for spells, you may make on one meta magic cost be 0. You can only do this for one Metamagiced Metamagic feat on one spell at a time.
|lvl9= You can now stack as many of the same [[SRD:Metamagic_(Feat_Type)|metamagic feats]] to one spell as long as you are able to cast that level spell.