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Puppy Dog Eyes, Improved (3.5e Feat)

1,282 bytes added, 05:00, 23 February 2017
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Halloweenman33 |date_created=2/22/17 |status=Finished, but open to improvement suggestions |balance=High }} <onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat |name=Improved Pupp..."
|status=Finished, but open to improvement suggestions

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|name=Improved Puppy Dog Eyes
|summary= You are getting even better at getting what you want through begging
|prereqs= Canin or other Dog-like Humanoid/Monstrous Humanoid, Bluff or Diplomacy 8 Ranks, Charisma 18, Puppy Dog Eyes
|benefit=Whenever you are having difficulty (have already failed a Bluff or Diplomacy check) getting something you want from someone (information, a specific item, free food, etc), you widen your eyes slightly and give your target a sad, dejected look with an occasional whine. Then, you roll a Bluff or Diplomacy check with a +8 Bonus and -4 to the DC. If you succeed, they improve one step on the NPC Attitude table and must roll a Will Save (DC 10+half your character level+your Cha Modifier) or be extremely inclined to give you what you want. They can resist the urge to give in, but the will feel horrible about the decision (no save), causing a morale penalty (DM’s choice)
|normal= You have already failed to sway their opinion

{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}

[[Category: Racial Feat]]

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