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Malcurion Dragon (3.5e Monster)

29 bytes removed, 08:40, 26 May 2017
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'''{{Anchor|Radiation Aura}} {{Ex}}:''' Upon depletion of its [[#Anima Shield|anima shield]], a malcurion dragon's radiation will pour out unstoppably, bathing everything in its vicinity in lethal gamma radiation. Any creature directly exposed to the aura incurs [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] drain (see [[Malcurion Dragon (3.5e Monster)#Radiation Exposure|Radiation Exposure]]).
'''{{Anchor|Regeneration}} {{Ex}}:''' A malcurion dragon can recover almost limitlessly from any kind of damage it takes. The only thing that can bypass a malcurion dragon's regeneration is a sufficient amount of [[Darklight (3.5e Equipment)|depleted darklight]] being forcibly inserted into its heart. This requires a called shot with a -5 10 penalty to the attack roll plus another -5 for every size category over while the dragon's [[SRD:Medium Size#Anima Shield|Mediumanima shield]] the dragon hasis down, using a [[Darklight (3.5e Equipment)|darklight]] weapon or another effect that involves a large mass of darklight or some similar fission-retarding substance, that is then either broken off into the wound or left there completely, and the attack furthermore must do more than 10 5 points of damage per age category of the dragon in order to successfully pierce the heart. This retards the nuclear reaction that sustains it and eventually brings it to death unless removed. Even then, whenever the malcurion dragon takes lethal damage, the first 5 points per age category becomes nonlethal damage instead. The dragon still heals nonlethal damage as if its regeneration is still active, but only half the amount per [[SRD:Round|round]] (i.e. 5 points per age category).
'''{{Anchor|Space Capable}} {{Ex}}:''' A malcurion dragon is capable of living within the void of space as easily as a mortal lives on the material plane. It standardly has the [[Astroadaptation (3.5e Feat)|Astroadaptation]] feat. The dragon does not need to breathe, and its sustenance is radiation, which it absorbs simply by bathing in a sufficiently powerful source of it, such as a star.

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