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Energized Heart (3.5e Equipment)

248 bytes added, 13:23, 16 June 2017
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<span style="display:none">[[Summary::This heart graft allows creatures to "overheal" or enter a state of invulnerable rage.]]</span>
The heart is removed and augmented with clockwork and biological pieces, allowing for the storing of excess positive energy. Whenever healed beyond one's maximum hit points the user gains the excess healing as temporary hit points, up to 25% over their maximum hit points. Unlike normal temporary hit points, these hit points slowly bleed away, 3 hit points a round until they reach maximum hit points or the temporary hit points are used up through damage. This overhealing has a secondary effect of protecting users from the dangerous effect of the positive energy plane and the resulting deaths by awesome. To activate invulnerable rage the user overclocks the heart sacrificing the extra 25% overheal, effects are as "rage" with added damage reduction 10. A creature may only overclock their heart once a month or risk increasing chance of heavy damage.
Energized Hearts function only when applied to living creatures; applied to non-living creature and they rot away over the course of 2d4 days. During construction, spells are employed to energize the heart, but once applied it is forever a mundane part of the creature.
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