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Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Character Options

11 bytes added, 23:26, 30 June 2017
Fishermen get most enjoyment out of thier lives when thier time is spent at sea. They spend alot of time traveling between island chains and fishing the oceans. Commonly found traveling from island to island looking for lakes and rivers to fish. If they do not use thier own boat to travel then you will find them hopping from port to port on various trade ships. Masters at thier craft they are used to spending long periods of time on ships and can live off the fish they catch.
* '''Skill Proficiencies:''' Nature, Proficiency bonus may be added to all fishing checks[[Cala'diel_(5e_Campaign_Setting)/Activities/Fishing|Fishing]]
* '''Tool Proficiencies:''' [[Cala%27diel_(5e_Campaign_Setting)/Gear_and_Equipment|Tackle kit]]
* '''Languages:''' Purrmesian
* '''Equipment:''' Dagger, [[Cala%27diel_(5e_Campaign_Setting)/Gear_and_Equipment|Tackle kit]], a trinket of your choice, and a explorers pack
* '''Feature: Fisherman's instincts -''' You are gifted at finding just the fish you are looking for. After While taking a short rest near a lake or river, using the time to look at the type of surroundings, you can learn exactly what fish live here. Doing this will also allow When fishing during a short or long rest you to permently fish here with a bonus of gain +1to all dice rolls.
* '''Suggested Characteristics:'''
| 3 || My next catch will be my biggest so I am always preparing for it.
| 4 || Every body of water I see is a chance for my next big catch. Can we stop just to ake take a look?
| 5 || Talking scares the fish, so why talk if you dont don't have too? Silence is key.
| 6 || Rain is perfect for great fishing. I love the rain.
| 7 || Being in a city too long makes me want to go on a adventure. I dont don't like being in them too long.
| 8 || Homesickness is common for me. I love to talk about and compair places to my home.

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