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717 bytes added, 21:31, 10 November 2017
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|armorprofs=[[SRD5:Light Armor|Light armor]], [[SRD5:Medium Armor|medium armor]] and [[SRD5:Shield|shieldshields]]s|weaponprofs=[[SRD5:Simple Weapon|Simple weaponweapons]]s
|saveprofs=Wisdom, Charisma
|skillprofs=History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
|equipment= * ''(a)'' a [[SRD5:Mace|mace]] or ''(b)'' a [[SRD5:Warhammer|warhammer]] (if [[SRD5:Proficient|proficient]] )
* ''(a)'' [[SRD5:Scale Mail|scale mail]], ''(b)'' [[SRD5:Leather Armor|leather armor]], or ''(c)'' [[SRD5:Chain Mail|chain mail]] (if proficient)
* ''(a)'' [[SRD5:Light Crossbow|light crossbow]] and 20 [[SRD5:Bolt|bolt]]s or [[(b)]] any [[SRD5:Simple Weapon|simple weapon ]]
* ''(a)'' a [[SRD5:Priest's Pack|priest’s pack]] or [[(b)]] an [[SRD5:Explorer's Pack|explorer’s pack]]
* a [[SRD5:Shield|shield ]] and a [[SRD5:Holy Symbol|holy symbol]]
As a conduit for divine power, you can cast cleric [[SRD5:Spell|spellspells]]s.
At 1st level, you know three [[SRD5:Cantrip|cantrip]]s cantrips of your choice from the [[SRD5:Cleric SpellSpells|cleric spell]] list. You learn additional cleric cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Cleric table.
====Preparing and Casting Spells====
The Cleric table shows how many [[SRD5:Spell Slot|spell slot]]s you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the [[SRD5:Spell Level|spell’s level]] or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a [[SRD5:Long RestResting|long rest]].
You prepare the list of [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spells ]] that are available for you to cast, choosing from the [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spell ]] list. When you do so, choose a number of [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spells ]] equal to your [[SRD5:Ability Modifier|Wisdom modifier]] + your cleric [[SRD5:Level|level]] (minimum of one spell). The spells [[SRD5:Spell|spell]]s must be of a level for which you have [[SRD5:Spells|spell ]] slots.
For example, if you are a 3rd-­level level cleric, you have four 1st-­level level and two 2nd-­level level [[SRD5:Spells|spell ]] slots. With a [[SRD5:Wisdom|Wisdom ]] of 16, your list of [[SRD5:Prepared Spell|prepared spellspells]]s can include six [[SRD5:Spells|spells ]] of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-­level level [[SRD5:Spells|spell ]] ''[[SRD5:Cure Wounds|cure wounds]]'', you can cast it using a 1st-­level level or 2nd-­level level slot. Casting the [[SRD5:Spells|spell ]] doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared [[SRD5:Spell|spells]].
You can change your list of prepared [[SRD5:Spells|spells ]] when you finish a [[SRD5:Long Rest|long rest]]. Preparing a new list of [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spells ]] requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 [[SRD5:Minute|minute]] per [[SRD5:Spell Level|spell level ]] for each [[SRD5:Spells|spell ]] on your list.
====Spellcasting Ability====
[[SRD5:Wisdom |Wisdom]] is your spellcasting ability for your [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spells]]. The power of your [[SRD5:Spell|spells ]] comes from your devotion to your deity. You use your [[SRD5:Wisdom |Wisdom]] whenever a [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spell ]] refers to your [[SRD5:Spellcasting Ability|spellcasting ability]]. In addition, you use your [[SRD5:Ability Modifier|Wisdom modifier ]] when setting the Spell [[SRD5:Spell Saving Throw|saving throw]] [[SRD5:DC|DC]] for a [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spell ]] you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
'''[[SRD5:Spell Save DC|Spell save DC]]''' = 8 + your [[SRD5:Proficiency BonusUsing_Ability_Scores#Proficiency_Bonus|proficiency bonus]] + your [[SRD5:Ability Modifier|Wisdom modifier ]]
'''[[SRD5:Spell Attack Modifier|Spell attack modifier]]''' = your [[SRD5:Using_Ability_Scores#Proficiency_Bonus|proficiency bonus ]] + your [[SRD5:Ability Modifier|Wisdom modifier ]]
====Ritual Casting====
You can cast a [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spell ]] as a [[SRD5:Ritual|ritual]] if that [[SRD5:Spells|spell ]] has the [[SRD5:Ritual|ritual ]] tag and you have the [[SRD5:Spells|spell ]] prepared.
====Spellcasting Focus====
You can use a holy symbol (see “[[SRD5:Equipment|Equipment]]”) as a [[SRD5:Spellcasting Focus|spellcasting focus]] for your [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spells]].
===Divine Domain===
====Domain Spells====
Each domain has a list of spells — its [[#Domain Spell|domain spells ]] — that you gain at the cleric levels noted in the domain description. Once you gain a [[#Domain Spell|domain spell]], you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of [[SRD5:Spells|spells ]] you can prepare each day. If you have a [[#Domain Spell|domain spell ]] that doesn’t appear on the [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spell ]] list, the spell is nonetheless a [[SRD5:Spells|cleric spell ]] for you.
===Channel Divinity===
Some Channel Divinity effects require [[SRD5:Saving Throw|saving throws]]. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your cleric spell save DC.
Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity twice between [[SRD5:Resting|rests]], and beginning at 18th level, you can use it three times between rests. When you finish a [[SRD5:Resting|short or long rest]], you regain your expended uses.
====Channel Divinity: Turn Undead====

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