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Heart of a Champion (3.5e Maneuver)

1 byte added, 01:24, 12 November 2017
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''Even when you are broken and battered, you will rise up, ready to slay the enemy. There is no path more glorious than that.''
With a display of supreme focus, you are able to shrug off a lasting effect that would normally hinder your combat readiness and emerge more ready to fight than ever. You may use this maneuver on your turn, even when circumstances would normally not permit you to do so, to immediately end one of the following conditions should they afflict you: ability penalties (such as from ''[[SRD:Ray of Enfeeblement|ray of enfeeblement]]'', ''[[SRD:Touch of Idiocy|touch of idiocy]]'', etc.) , [[SRD:Ability Damaged|ability damage]] and [[SRD:Ability Drained|ability drain]] (but not [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]]), [[SRD:Blinded|blindness]], [[SRD:Confused|confusion]], [[SRD:Dazed|dazing]], [[SRD:Dazzled|dazzling]], [[SRD:Deafened|deafness]], [[SRD:Entangled|entanglement]], [[SRD:Exhausted|exhaustion]], [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigue]], [[SRD:Fascinated|fascination]], [[SRD:Frightened|fright]], [[SRD:Energy Drained|level drain]], [[SRD:Shaken|shaken]], [[SRD:Panicked|panicked]], [[SRD:Cowering|cowering]], [[SRD:Nauseated|nausea]], [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralysis]], [[SRD:Sickened|sickness]], [[SRD:Stunned|stunning]], [[Uncentered (3.5e Condition)|uncenteredness]], and any other condition that this list does not include but the DM deems permissible. [[SRD:Dead|Death]] and [[SRD:Dying|dying]] are not conditions that can be ended by use of this maneuver. Graduated conditions, such as ability score reductions and negative levels, are all removed, not only some of them.
Not only do you lose the penalties associated with the condition, but the renewed vigor gained through use of this maneuver grants you a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

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