|date_created=November 24, 2017
|status=The drawback may or may not be well-balanced.
|summary=You simply cannot relax and rest. You always want to be doing something. This means you tend to have better reaction times, but you have a hard time taking a break to rejuvenate yourself.
|benefit=You're primed to take action at all times. You gain a +3 bonus to [[SRD:Initiative|initiative]], a +2 dodge bonus to [[AC]], a +1 dodge bonus to [[Reflex]] saves, and a +2 bonus to saves against sleep effects. Furthermore, if you are [[SRD:Flat-footed|flat-footed]], you may attempt to take an immediate action or attack of opportunity as though you were not flat-footed by making a Reflex save, DC equal to the initiative of whomever's turn it is; if you succeed, you are no longer flat-footed and may take the desired action, but if you fail, your action or attack of opportunity is wasted and your initiative drops by 2 as you stumble over yourself in your overzealousness to take action. If an opponent tries to attack you when you are flat-footed or otherwise capitalize on your flat-footed status, you may make a Reflex save (DC = 10 + ½ opponent's CR + opponent's Dexterity modifier); if you succeed, you are no longer flat-footed, and your opponent's attack is resolved as such.
|drawback=You are ''really'' not good at the whole “resting” thing. You have a very hard time falling asleep, and you don't get as much rest as your body requires, which means that your daily healing is halved (regaining hit points equal to half your character level (rounded down, minimum 1) for 8 hours of sleep or an analogous state (such as an elf's 4 hours of trance), or hit points equal to your character level for a full 24 hours of rest; other forms of daily healing, such as recovering from [[SRD:Ability Score Loss#Ability Damage|ability damage]], are also halved). The lack of sleep also makes it hard for you to refresh yourself for a new day; you need 150% more time to prepare spells, refresh power points, ready maneuvers, or make similar preparations that require you to be relaxed and undistracted. If you ever push yourself so hard that you become [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigued]] or [[SRD:Exhausted|exhausted]], it takes you twice as long to clear the condition, since you only ever rest half-heartedly. Since you don't take advantage of chances to rest, you can only travel overland at a [[Revised Overland Movement and Fatigue Rules (3.5e Variant Rule)#Normal Marching|normal march]] for 1 hour per point of [[Constitution]] you have (or more if you have ranks in [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Endurance|Endurance]] (I may need [[User:TarkisFluxTarkisflux|TarkisFlux's]] help on that)). Furthermore, since you need twice as much time to fully rest and reset your exertion clock, you must rest for a full hour to eliminate fatigue and become capable of benefiting from periodic resting (to the limited extent to which you ''can'' benefit from periodic resting) after traveling in a [[Revised Overland Movement and Fatigue Rules (3.5e Variant Rule)#Forced Marching|forced march]].
|special=This trait is intended to be used with [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)|Tome of Prowess]] rules, particularly the rules relating to [[Revised Overland Movement and Fatigue Rules (3.5e Variant Rule)|overland travel]]. (As of yet, I am not sure how to convert this to SRD rules.)
|roleplayingideas=You are constantly jittery and anxious to do something. You are constantly fidgeting, and become highly irritable and obnoxious whenever you don't have anything to do. Including when you've finished setting up camp and everyone's trying to get some sleep. Nobody wants to be your bunkmate, since your constant squirming may very well keep them awake for half the night.