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Rolling Pin Tunnel (3.5e Equipment)

5 bytes added, 22:16, 3 December 2017
Grammar check
# By running into the water until they are submerged, a party may then swim up into the archways above, allowing the dangerous rolling pin to pass harmlessly beneeth as they stay afloat.
# A sufficient high jump check to leap over the 8 foot rolling pin will allow them to sail between the space of the rolling pin and the roof. Flight can perform the same thing.
# With a '''DC 20 Search check''' , one can find a secret door at the dead end at the right end of the hall, underwater. A subsequent '''DC 20 Strength check''' can force it open, allowing the party to ride the return belt up before the rolling pin hits them.
If you wish to make it more difficult and suitable for higher -level parties, throw in dispel magic traps on the ceiling (per permenant permanent ''Walls of Dispel Magic''<sup>SpC</sup>) to discourage flight-based attempts.
CR 7; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset; DC 20 Reflex negates prone; (4d6 touch, 8d6 run over); Search DC 25; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: [[Cost::15,400 gp]].

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