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Meeting the NPC's
=== Meeting the NPC's ===
While traveling with their new found companions the party will have time to get to know them better. Here are the things they can learn about while traveling to their destination.
'''Nash Callix'''
* He has been to Gylex before. It is his Inn of choice while in the Blacksteel area. Most ships can make the journey from Gylex to Blacksteel in half a day. The pub is also cheaper than anything you can find in Blacksteel. His stories are much more interesting in the small town than in the large town of Blacksteel.
* He has a friend in the town that he likes to visit while he passes through. It is this friend that told him about the wolves. His name is Rihando.
* There is a farm that Rihando helps maintain for a down on his luck simple minded farmer. Nash doesn't understand Rihando's loyalty to the farmer, but respects him for it.
* Nash is from the city of Khuul.
* Nash works for the city of Volmoria.
* If asked about Khuul or Volmoria he will just say invite them to come stay with him sometime.
* Nash will be hesitant to connect too much with the party to start. He will mention that most of travel companions are not up to the challenge of a real fight. Nash will conclude with he hopes the party will change his mind that most hired swords are not skilled enough to keep up.
== Getting the party together ==

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