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Forgotten Ship Pub
* He has yet to deliver the monster.
Patrons at the bar will gather to listen in to the story. At some point Nash will make a loud noise catching the attention of the people whom just walked in. '''Any delayed parties will enter the pub at this moment.'''
Kory, Maxence, Balron and the second party will hear this and be drawn into the story. This is the first time the two parties will meet up. Nash will finish his story and suggest it is about time to head over to Joxor’s farm. Nash will collect up those who traveled with him and make his way out. Now is the time for the players to talk to each other for the first time. If they do not openly discuss the wolves or Rihando have Kory ask those questions to Nash. Once Nash explains that they are here to kill some wolves and meet with Rihando have Kory make a suggestion to players he traveled with. That suggestion is something along the lines of himself, Maxence and Balron staying at the inn while they help with the wolves, gathering more information about Joxor’s whereabouts. Kory does not want to walk into a situation where they are outnumbered or out classed.
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