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1,411 bytes added, 21:36, 18 August 2018
E6 Some form of Epic 6-10 will be the basic rule form, barring any possible modifications. Player characters can begin as eager 1st level neophytes, or as more experienced and tempered defenders, higher level characters.
E6 point buy, possibly? Or use the 25 point buy "elite" array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. No one score can be raised higher than 20 + racial ability modifier for mortal characters (players and most NPCs). Ideally, abilities will be important, but not vital.
===Hit Points===
Need to strike a balance between characters who drop dead in a blow and those who can withstand meteor strikes. Possiblities
:* D6/D8/D10 at first level + Constitution score, then add +3/+5/+7 hit points only at every level after?
===Permitted Classes===
Uncertain at this timeAs yet, I don’t know what would be the best classes. Not all classes are thematically appropriate, and most are somewhat lacking in useful features early on (fighter/rogue/monk/barbarian/paladin/ranger, I’m looking at you). May modify 5e classes for 3.5e play.  A rough guideline is listed here::* Scholar/Occultist: Wizard-analogue, who seeks out arcane lore and eldritch power through occult science and ritual. Class features focus around rituals, invocations, and techniques.:* Cultist: Cleric/Druid equivalent; servitor and devotee of a powerful entity. Best at summoning:* :* :*  
Magic Supernatural or esoteric power is an art intrinsic to D&D, gothic and cosmic horror, and fantasy in general. Here, strike a sciencebalance between overly powerful magic-users and hindered magic users. The three main approaches are Animism Additionally, all players technically use (Wisdomamd can use)some form of “magic,” be it invocations, Occultism (Intelligence)manifestations, summoning, gadgets, ritual, meditation, or emotion. There are no distinctions between arcane, divine, and Theurgy (Charisma)psychic power - all come from similar sources. Likewise, even martial characters wield a form of eldritch power; cold steel and gunpowder are ineffectual against horrors of the darkness and the abyss. Magic is not “cheating” as some settings would have it; it is a tool by which mortals can withstand or defy that which is otherwise overwhelming and unstoppable.

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