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Essentia Overreach (3.5e Feat)

4 bytes added, 00:32, 21 November 2018
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* '''Essentia Overburden''': You can invest Essentia above your normal Essentia capacity, but if you do you take 2 burn to the ability score that determines you maximum number of soulmelds (typically Constitution).
'''Example:''' Junko, a young adult Incarnate 9 with 24 Constitution, has a base of 9 Essentia and can shape 5 soulmelds with 2 bound Chakras. When she shapes her Soulmelds, she decides to shape and bind an extra soulmeld, giving her 6 shaped and 3 bound melds, and treating her as venerable for the purposes of penalties. Later, during a fight with the mercenary Shaz HelplessHopeless, she decides she needs some extra oomph, so she Overclocks for two extra points of Essentia, one of which she uses to Overburden her Wind Cloak for extra DR/magic, but she starts burning and takes 2 points of Constitution burn. Thanks to her high Constitution she barely avoids unshaping a soulmeld.<br/>
'''Normal:''' You can't invest extra Essentia, shape or bind extra soulmelds, or invest more Essentia than your normal limit.<br/>
'''Special:''' All of the penalties from this feat bypass immunities.<br/>

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