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Brimstone Spell (3.5e Feat)

3 bytes added, 21:43, 18 April 2019
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|prereqs=one metamagic feat known, ability to cast spells with the fire descriptor, caster must be non evil, spellcraft 9 ranks
|fluff=The Sorcerer used fireball to cleanse the area of the evil infidels
|benefit= A brimstone spell is a fire infused with the fate of damnation. When a brimstone spell hits any creature who is evil aligned, the creature takes double damage from the spell. Creatures who have a creature type that is always always evil take triple damage. However the fire is not regular fire as for evil creatures it bypasses any fire resistance, fire immunity or spell resistance. A brimstone spell takes up a spell slot one level three levels higher then the spell's usual level.
|example= Jade casts fireball on an evil human bandit, the bandit takes double fire damage. But if Jade cast fireball on a devil or demon, they take triple damage.

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