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|benefit=When you initiate a Boost, Rush or Counter, you can choose to grant the maneuver to others as well. You can grant the effects of the maneuver to up to 1 creature per initiator level, within Close range (25ft, plus 5ft/2 initiator levels). Each creature can then use the maneuver themselves (Using your statistics, such as save DC and initiator level) at any time in the next 3 rounds, though you can only grant one maneuver at a time in this manner; If the duration expires, the use of the maneuver is expended.
You can only apply Legion Maneuver to maneuvers 3 levels lower than the highest-level maneuver you can initiate; Thus if you can initiate 6th-level maneuvers, you can only use Legion Maneuver on maneuvers of 3rd level or lower. This is affected by initiator decreases.
Once you initiate a Legion Maneuver, you suffer a penalty to your initiator level equal to the maneuver's level for 3 rounds. While this penalty is in effect, your higher-level maneuvers will become unavailable, but aren't expended or lost, and will be available once the penalty ends.