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Unknown Ninja Sword (3.5e Equipment)

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''A curious short sword used by a ninja-like creature as a backup weapon, left behind when it disappeared.''
This [[SRD:Short swordShortsword|short swordshortsword]] is designed for use by a ninja. It comes in a black sheath with extra straps to tie around one's body, a black [[Stingray Leather Grip (3.5e Equipment)|stingray leather grip]] and a blade the color of burnt caramel that appears somewhat resinous and translucent but rings with a metallic clang when struck (functioning as though it were made of metal). The blade itself has the properties of [[Solarite (3.5e Equipment)#Depleted Solarite|depleted solarite]] and functions as a +1 enhanced short sword (including hardness and HP).
When wielded as an [[SRD:Immediate Actions|immediate action]], the wielder may use [[Null Barrier (3.5e Spell)|null barrier I]] up to twice per day.

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