→Making a Paladin
'''{{Anchor|Holy Shield}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):'''A Paladin of 2nd level or higher can substitute her Charisma modifier for her Dexterity modifier to armor class as long as she is using a shield in her hand (not an Animated Shield). She gains the full benefit of her shield against touch attacks. This bonus applies even when her Dexterity bonus would normally be denied, but she is still considered to have lost her dexterity bonus to AC for purposes of special abilities such as Sneak Attack under the normal circumstances.
'''{{Anchor|Smite Evil}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' A Paladin of 2nd level or higher can attempt to smite a target as part of making a melee attack. The attempt does not work (at no cost to her other than the attack) unless the target is evil. If the target is evil, she adds her Charisma modifier to hit, and, if successful, she adds her Charisma modifier to hit and her level to damage. She also gains supernatural strength, causing her to not take strength penalties to damage (bonuses still apply).
If, after the attack's damage is applied and the target has 4 hit points less than level of the Smiting paladin, it is instantly destroyed as though they are hit point damage. A single target may only be smote once per Paladin per day, and the Paladin cannot smite another target after successfully smiting one until either the first target is defeated or five rounds pass since the last Smite. If the attack misses or is attempted on an invalid target, the Paladin may try again immediately against the same or a different target as soon as she can make another attack.