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Zo Mèt La (3.5e Equipment)

3 bytes added, 02:57, 6 November 2019
Basic stuff
'''1HD - Full Control:''' The wielder has full, basic control of the Zo Mèt La. The weapon moves with their thoughts. It may be used in any way this may allow, such as being used as a 10-foot pole, a short grappling hook, or to slink through small spaces.
'''3HD - Manuevers:''' The wielder gains more control over the Zo Mèt La and is able to use it in unique ways. They may use the Zo Mèt La to attempt Grapples, Disarms, and Trips. Any Attacks of Opportunity these maneuvers would normally provoke are negated. The wielder adds their Intelligence Modifier in place of their Strength modifier. You do not add nor subtract your size modifier from these attempts.
'''8HD - Coming soon!'''
'''15HD - Coming soon!'''

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