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MetaPower (3.5e Feat)

1 byte added, 03:43, 15 November 2019
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|date_created=12 December 2016 updated 14 November 2019
|status=Essentially complete
|balance=Very High
|lvl0= pick one Metamagic feat and lowers the level by 1. You can not pick one that is already 1.
|lvl1= Your spells get a +1 to their caster level
|lvl3= Equals Equal to your highest mental statestat's (Int, Cha, and Wis) Mod per day, you may reduce the casting time of a spell by one. You may not do this for the same spell multiple times.
|lvl6= Casting a spell no longer triggers an attack of opportunity.
|lvl9= Choose one spell in your list. You may treat it as one spell lever lower. You may not switch this spell out later on.
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