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Unknown Ninja Sword (3.5e Equipment)

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reducing to once per day
This [[SRD:Shortsword|shortsword]] is designed for use by a ninja. It comes in a black sheath with extra straps to tie around one's body, a black [[Stingray Leather Grip (3.5e Equipment)|stingray leather grip]] and a blade the color of burnt caramel that appears somewhat resinous and translucent but rings with a metallic clang when struck (functioning as though it were made of metal). The blade itself has the properties of [[Solarite (3.5e Equipment)#Depleted Solarite|depleted solarite]] and functions as a +1 enhanced short sword (including hardness and HP).
When wielded as an [[SRD:Immediate Actions|immediate action]], the wielder may use [[Null Barrier (3.5e Spell)|null barrier I]] up to twice once per day.
While not an artifact, the unknown ninja sword cannot be crafted as there is no known means of making either the enhancements on it or producing the material.

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