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Ranger (5e - Total Rewrite)

993 bytes added, 10:54, 30 December 2020
Other things of Note
The names of the original Mother, Father, Adopted Drow boy and The Shadowmaster are kept secret, as they are used as passwords that allow the Rangers to stay at each other' schools. The old Elvish dialect from the original two towns, now dead to the general public, is used as a Code Speak among rangers and is referred to by outsiders as "Drowidic", but internally called Ur Diri (The Speak) "Diriz th'ur Diri?" ("Speak you'the Speak?", literally in common; "thu"/you is contracted) is the common Ranger to Ranger greeting. The standard response is all-but-unprounounceable to outsiders, and acceptable pronunication is even a requirement to graduate from any of the three schools! Since the response is whispered in to the ear of the other, no one has ever been able to successfully break the Ur Diri language of the Rangers. Think Rhyming Slang done in a dead language nobody else understands. Even if someone could learn ur Diri, the context of the words used in the Rhyming Slang to an outsider would be totally lost, which makes it an effective code.
Master abd-Rezai's staff had ends that were said to have been made from all-mithril bladed mace heads with half-capsules welded to the top of each mace head so that the maces' blades didn't dig in to the earth when he used it as a walking stick, and later he crafted partially hardened leathers to protect the mace heads. The abd-Rezai replicate Split-Staves routinely run several hundred gold, even in the heads are merely much cheaper Hemithermitium metal (aluminum in common; Hemithermitium is the name in ur Diri). Actual Mithril replicates are a few thousand due to the complexity of making dually -threaded ends with a locking pin, all in Mithril. The mountain town where the original school still exists has the first known running water and first aluminum smelting in all the land, and their lightweight armor and weapons are prized in the outside world. The area is well known for materials innovations, and there are plates, scales, and splints being made of Giant Spider silk and hemp fiber canvas; it's hardened with pine sap and rice starch, using a mysterious essential oil and grain alcohol solvent. The proceeding meringue-like material is then spread over the canvas, and the canvas is shaped and then low-heat cured. The hardened canvas is often overlaid with leather; Plate, Splint, and Scales are said to be as light and strong as Mithril. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to find, because without regular treatments from another special oil, the canvas material becomes pliable and soft over the course of several months to a year. It has to be re-cured if it is neglected for more than 6 months, in the current form. 

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