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Ranger (5e - Total Rewrite)

31 bytes added, 01:47, 3 January 2021
Spellcasting (Level 2)
''“When Rangers cast spells, it is said there is a faint green glow from their eyes.” – Ranger history as told by Elathia the Wise, a Bard, and Ranger historian.''<br>
When you reach level 2, you gain access to 2 cantrips in the available spells detailed at the end of this section.
Each Spell or Archetype-specific ability uses Ki points. Ranger spells or archetype-specific abilities use a designated amount of Ki each, equal to the spell level. Ki points are equal to Intelligence start at intelligence + 1D6. You get an ''one'' additional Ki point each ''even'' level after this one.(at 4, 6, 8, etc...)
Starting with Level 2, you have a total of 6 leveled-spell castings per day. You get one additional casting at every even-numbered level. Spells level 5 and above use 2 castings. Spells can use their “higher level” functions for additional Ki equal to it's spell level per increase in power listed in the spell.

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