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Aelyra (3.5e Sourcebook)/Rules/Skills

112 bytes added, 21:59, 9 May 2021
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A Rogue has 8 + Int skill points. This rogue has a +5 Intelligence modifier, and has 13 skill points. The Rogue's class skills are Perception, Persuasion, Deception, Athletics, Acrobatics, Devices, Stealth, Linguistics, and Craftsmanship. The rogue has a +4 Intelligence modifier, and has 12 skill pointsClass Skills begin Trained.
The Rogue could:Perception (Grandmaster = 3 SP)<br/>Stealth (Grandmaster = 3 SP)<br/>Spend 11 points to be trained in all skills, and then pay Devices (Grandmaster = 3 SP)<br/>Acrobatics (Master = 2 SP)<br/>Deception (Expert = 1 SP)<br/>Athletics (Expert = 1 point to become an expert in stealth.SP)<br/>

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