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Cut & Thrust Sword (3.5e Equipment)

4 bytes added, 00:48, 1 October 2021
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The Cut & Thrust Sword, also called Side Sword, is the direct evolution of the Longsword and features a well-balanced structure, with a elaborated hilt with bars an loops that protect the wielder's hand and put the weapon's point of balance closer to the grip; theCut & Thrust Sword has a blade equally suited for slashing and thrusting, sharing some characteristics with the longsword and some with the rapier.
With Exotic Weapon Proficiency, a wielder can apply the Weapon Finesse feat to a cut & thrust sword sized for you, even though it is not a light weapon.
Without Exotic Weapon Proficiency, the Cut & Thrust Sword can be used as a martial weapon: in that case it functions as a longsword.

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