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Marshal, Revamped (3.5e Class)

640 bytes added, 23:52, 2 October 2021
Making a Marshal
| 1st ||class="left" | +1 || +2 || +0 || +2
| class="left" | [[#Auras|Aura]] (minor and major), [[#Rally|rally]] (1d6, move action), [[#Combat Feat|Combat Feat]]
| 2 || 1 || 0
'''{{Anchor|Rally}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, a marshal pushes his troops to impressive efforts. Be it by fooling his troops that victory is underway, inspiring his troops with bolstering words, seizing the advantage through careful tactics, or even promising a fate worse than death, his troops hit harder, survive longer, and even shake off harmful effects through sheer force of will.<br>As a [[SRD:Full-Round_Actions|full-round action]], a marshal may whip a rally that stirs the heart of the most desperate trooper. Each ally within range that can hear the marshal adds an extra 1d6 points of damage in any successful [[SRD:Standard_Actions#Melee_Attacks|melee]] or [[SRD:Standard_Actions#Ranged_Attacks|ranged]] attack dealt during the round. This benefit lasts for as long as the Marshal concentrates (as a [[SRD:Move_Action|move action]]) and one round thereafter. At 7th level, and every six levels afterwards, the amount of extra damage dealt increases by 1d6. Unlike similar abilities, creatures immune to [[SRD:Standard_Actions#Critical_Hits|critical hits]] or [[SRD:Rogue#Sneak_Attack|sneak attacks]] are not immune to this damage. A marshal may not use this ability if under any [[SRD:Fear_Effect|fear effect]] (although the marshal is immune to fear effects, the marshal may not use this ability if for some reason this immunity was bypassed) or demoralized, and allies that suffer any fear effect do not gain the benefit of this ability.<br>At 4th level, a marshal grants himself and all allies that hear the rally a +1 [[SRD:Modifiers#Competence Modifier|competence bonus]] to [[SRD:Armor_Class|Armor Class]]. This bonus increases by 1 for every six class levels, and lasts for as long as the marshal rallies. Furthermore, any ally that hears the marshal and currently suffers a [[SRD:Fear_Effect|fear effect]] may make a new [[SRD:Saving_Throw|saving throw]] to remove said effect. An ally can attempt a new saving throw every round in which it suffers a fear effect and hears the marshal rally, but can only attempt a new saving throw once per round.<br>At 7th level, a marshal can demoralize an enemy with his rally. He may use the demoralize ability (see the [[Intimidate]] skill) as a [[SRD:Free_Action|free action]], but only when he begins the rally (as part of the [[SRD:Full-Round_Action|full round action]] to activate it) or by ending the rally as an [[SRD:Immediate_Action|immediate action]]. Unlike the normal demoralize ability, the marshal may affect all enemies that can hear his rally, and the effects of demoralization lasts for as long as the marshal rallies (if he uses it as part of the full round action to activate the ability) or for a number of rounds equal to his [[Intelligence]] or [[Charisma]] modifier (if he uses it as an immediate action to end the rally).<br>At 10th level, a marshal may keep the rally as a [[SRD:Swift_Action|swift action]] instead of a [[SRD:Move_Action|move action]].<br>At 13th level, any ally that hears the marshal and suffers any of the following effects may attempt a [[SRD:Saving_Throw|saving throw]] to remove the condition: [[SRD:Confused|confused]], [[SRD:Dazed|dazed]], [[SRD:Entangled|entangled]], [[SRD:Exhausted|exhausted]], [[SRD:Fascinated|fascinated]], [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigued]], [[SRD:Feeblemind|feebleminded]], [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]], [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralyzed]], [[SRD:Sickened|sickened]], [[SRD:Slow|slowed]], or [[SRD:Stunned|stunned]]. An ally can attempt a new saving throw every round in which it suffers any of the above effects and hears the marshal rally, but can only attempt a new saving throw once per round.<br>At 16th level, a marshal increases the speed of his troops. All allies that can hear a marshal rally gain a +10 bonus to all of their speeds.<br>At 19th level, any ally that hears the marshal rally may make an extra melee or ranged attack at its highest attack bonus as part of a full attack. The extra attack gained by means of this ability stacks with other forms of extra attacks gained (such as that from the ''[[SRD:Haste|haste]]'' spell, or the ''[[SRD:Speed|speed]]'' weapon enhancement) even if the ability says otherwise.<br>A rally is an [[SRD:Special_Abilities_Overview#Extraordinary|extraordinary]], [[SRD:Fear_Effect|fear]] (in the case of the demoralize ability), [[SRD:Language-Dependent_Effect|language-dependent]], [[SRD:Mind-Affecting_Effect|mind-affecting]] ability.
'''{{Anchor|Combat Feat}}:'''The Feral Ronin creates his own combat style to purse at 1st level and keeps adding on this style as he gains experience. At 6th,12th and 20th level he gains a feat of his choosing from the following list: [[Horde Breaker (3.5e Feat)|Horde Breaker]] [ Monkey Grip], [ Saddleborn Warrior], [ Shieldbearer], [[Subtle Cut (3.5e Feat)|Subtle Cut]], [[Whirlwind (3.5e Feat)|Whirlwind]], [[Danger Sense (3.5e Feat)|Danger Sense]].
'''{{Anchor|Fearless}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd level, a marshal is immune to [[SRD:Fear_Effect|fear]], magical or otherwise.

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