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Coldsmith (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

3 bytes added, 16:21, 21 January 2022
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At level 5 you are able to make magic items out of truefire itself. This allows you to:
* create wondrous items and magic rings of any price that require a spell with the Cold descriptor as if you had all the requirements for them, including any crafting feats (you must still pay the costs).
* create ''truefire trueice weapons and armor''. Made out of the purest flamesmagical ice, these items are always magical (minimum +1 enhancement bonus) and have a +4 to confirm critical hit; they otherwise have the same stats as their usual steel/wood counterpart. You can enhance any ''truefire trueice weapon or armor'' by crafting into it up to two of the following special abilities: Frost, Weakening, Blurring, Displacement, Cold Resistance (including Greater and Improved), Energy Surge (only on frost weapons), Icy Burst, Energy Immunity (cold only), Energy Defense (cold only). These abilities don't count towards the modified bonus for the item (don't count towards maximum number of enhancements nor the price of the next enhancements).
'''{{Anchor|Fueled by Cold}}''' (previously ''Fueled by Lightning'') '''{{Ex}}:''' Whenever you would be dealt cold damage (after failing any saving throws that might prevent such damage and after applying your resistances), you may instead attempt to absorb the damage. Roll a [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] check: the result is the amount of damage you succesfully negate.

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