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Talk:Hero's Epic Fall Damage (5e Variant Rule)

72 bytes added, 22:42, 28 July 2022
MAJOR UPDATE 6-13-2022
You will probably want to calculate the maximum initial damage based on the weight, which is 5 × Weight<sup>1/2</sup> and the height where this occurs, which is 125 × Weight<sup>1/2</sup> and also the multiplier, which is just the cube root of the weight.<br>
Examples:<br>Tiny<br>Weight: 4.5 (x1)<br>Max Fall DC: 10 (265 feet)<br>
Small<br>Weight: 34 (×3)<br>Max Fall DC: 29 (730 feet)<br>
Medium<br>Weight: 280(×6)<br>Max Fall DC: 83 (2,090 feet)<br>
Large<br>Weight: 2,250 (×13)<br>Max Fall DC: 237 (6,000 feet)<br>
Huge<br>Weight: 18,000 (×26)<br>Max Fall DC: 670 (17,000 feet)<br>
Gargantuan<br>Weight: 141,000 (x52)<br>
Max Fall DC: 1,877 (47,000 feet)

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