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:*When you make a saving throw against a Hemocraft ability, you have disadvantage on the saving throw.
:*Whenever a creature makes a Hemocraft attack against you, they have advantage on the attack roll.
:*Whenever a creature deals damage to you with a Hemocraft ability, you have vulnerability to the damage dealt by that ability.
|trait2name=Antithetical Ichor
:If a creature damages you with a natural weapon or unarmed attack, regardless of your Injury Level, this damage is dealt automatically with no need for a reaction. If you are not [[Z%27s_Blood_Magic_(5e_Sourcebook)/Mechanics#Injury_Level | Uninjured]] and a creature grapples you or is grappled by you, or swallows you whole, they also suffer this damage at the beginning of their turn each round they maintain contact.
|trait3nametrait4name=Hexborne Blessing|trait3desctrait4desc=Every Durlanaar knows a few secrets of Blood Magic, gaining the Hemocraft feature. This grants you a Hemocraft Die, which is a d4, if you do not already possess one. You also gain a Corpse Magic range of 5ft per point of Proficiency Bonus you possess.
:You also gain a [[Z%27s_Blood_Magic_(5e_Sourcebook)/Mechanics#Corpse_Magic | Corpse Magic]] range of 5ft per point of Proficiency Bonus you possess.
:When you reach your 5th character level, your Hemocraft Die increases to a d6.
|trait4nametrait3name=Grim Psychometry|trait3desc=Your connection to suffering unlocks a supernatural talent for discerning the history surrounding mysterious objects or places touched by evil. When making an Intelligence (History) check to recall information about a darker past surrounding an object you are touching, or a location you are present in, you have advantage on the roll. The information gleaned often leans towards the more sinister influences of the past, and sometimes conveys visions of things previously unknown to the character on higher rolls. |trait5name=Sanguine Affinity|trait4desctrait5desc=When you reach your 3rd character level, and again when you reach your 5th character level, you gain one of the following traits.
:*''Cardinal Aptitude:'' Select two skills and/or tools you are proficient with. These are considered Cardinal Aptitude proficiencies, allowing you to Minor Rend when you make an ability check using either of the chosen proficiencies.
:*''Dark Sacrifice:'' You gain two Sacrifice Points. Additionally, whenever you finish a Short Rest, you regain 2 expended Sacrifice Points.
:*''Bloody Metamorphosis:'' Choose two [[Cardinal_(5e_Class)/Sin_of_the_Abomination#Mutagens | Mutagens]] that do not have a level prerequisite, following the normal rules for learning Mutagen Formulae. As long as you are [[Z%27s_Blood_Magic_(5e_Sourcebook)/Mechanics#Injury_Level | InjuredWounded]], you gain both the benefits and side effects of that Mutagenthose two Mutagens.
:*''Hungry Veins:'' Any time you harvest a creature's essence using [[Z%27s_Blood_Magic_(5e_Sourcebook)/Mechanics#Corpse_Magic | Corpse Magic range]], you regain a number of hit points equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die; This healing bypasses Enervation (But not Decay). Additionally, for each time you regain hit points from this feature, the next time you take a Short or Long Rest, you are considered to have consumed one pint of fresh blood for the purposes of expending Hit Dice.
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