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Arcane Amalgamation (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

123 bytes added, 04:22, 15 November 2023
That wasn't intended.
'''Signature Spell:''' If you gain access to the same spell from multiple bloodlines, your ability to use that spell is greatly improved. Your caster level and DC for that spell is increased by +1. You lower metamagic level increases to that spell by 1 after all other adjustments (to a minimum of +0). If the level adjustment after this is +0, the time to cast the spell is not increased for adjusting the spell with metamagic. Finally, you gain access to the spell 1/day as a spell-like ability.
'''Artificial Confluence:''' You only gain three cantrips known and can never gain more, however starting at level 5 you can perform a 1 hour ritual with a source of magical energy in order to gain the level 1 bloodline power of the associated Bloodline. For example, you could meditate with a fey (or suitable fey artifacts such as fey blood or the like) for 1 hour in order to gain access to Laughing Touch from the Fey Bloodline. You cannot gain access to an arcane bond, familiar, animal companion or other similar ability with Artificial Confluence.
'''Special:''' If you gain access to extra spells known through some other method (such as a feat), you may choose those spells normally. You may not take any Wildblooded Bloodlines, or the Crossblooded archetype and you cannot trade any of your Bloodline powers for Bloodline mutations with this archetype.

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