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Speeder (3.5e Class)

271 bytes added, 18:52, 4 October 2024
remembered a couple more things Speed Bonus should add to
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Speeders are proficient with simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
'''{{Anchor|Speed Bonus}} {{Su}}:''' The Speeder has a speed bonus, representing their generally increased rate of time, as everything they do, they can do faster. Being faster than other people dramatically improves reaction time, so the Speed Bonus adds its value to: attack rolls, reflex saves, dodge AC, balance, concentration, move silently, tumble, and spot checks. It adds three times its value to initiative checks. It adds its value ''again'' to dodge AC versus Attacks of Opportunity. It gives a penalty equal to its bonus to bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate checks as the extra speed makes the Speeder talk funny. Their movement speeds increase, after all other bonuses: for every 15' of movement, they get +5' of movement per +1 Speed Bonus. For every +2 of Speed Bonus, they get an additional attack of opportunity.
Long term actions also get faster, for every +3 Speed Bonus they do long term tasks (1 minute or longer) faster, at an increased rate of +1 minute per minute. If you care, you may calculate fractional benefits for Speed Bonuses not a multiple of 3. (So a Speeder with a Speed Bonus of +6 could get 8 hours of rest in 2 hours and 40 minutes.)
When the Speed Bonus is +5 or higher, they can attempt to [[SRD:Coup de Grace|coup de grace]] a non-helpless foe.
'''{{Anchor|Caloric Reserve}} {{Su}}:''' The Speeder rapidly converts food in their digestive system into speed energy that they can spend for sudden boosts of speed. They store a number of points of Caloric Reserve as shown on the table, and each point of Caloric Reserve takes one day's worth of food to replenish. If the creature does not eat, they can still replenish their reserve using [[#Consume Essence|Consume Essence]].

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