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• ''{{Anchor|Confuse an Ooze}}:'' With a flask of alchemical liquid, or a bag of salt or flour, you may befuddle a mindless creature. By attacking a square adjacent to it, you may cause it to turn around and go the other way, ignoring all creatures in a 180 degree arc on the side of the liquid or dusty substance, save ends. If it doesn't see anything to attack, it simply moves as far away possible. The mindless creature may make a Will save to negate this.
• ''{{Anchor|Stay Back!}}:'' If you are wielding a weapon that deals fire damage, animals, plants, and swarms must succeed on a Will save to move adjacent to you. On failure their movement stops 5 feet away and they can't try again to get closer to you for 5 rounds, but they may use remaining movement to move somewhere else. The distance increases by 5' per 5 character level levels (10' at level 5, 15' at 10, 20' at 15, 25' at 20).
'''{{Anchor|Trap Expertise}} {{Ex}}:''' A level 2 Rascally Rogue is good with traps and hidden things. They can take 10 on Open Lock and Disable Device checks and make them as a standard action. They can find and disable magical traps as a rogue. They automatically take 10 on a Search check for every square they pass adjacent to without an action.