Created page with "{{author |author_name=ErikOfWiki |date_created=October 30, 2024 |status=85% }} ==Gailleann== An enigmatic race born of storm energies. They have formed humanoid bodies from..."
|date_created=October 30, 2024
An enigmatic race born of storm energies. They have formed humanoid bodies from stormstuff, and have a corporeal physical form, but it is their spirit that holds them together, rather than tendons and bone.
Gailleanns are an easy-going people, introspective and observant.
===Physical Description===
Gailleanns appear as androgynous humanoids with less distinct features, and their coloring tends to be grayscale with poor contrast. Generally they appear light gray, though they may darken when angry or stressed. When sleeping a Gailleann tends to relax and become somewhat fluffy. Their meals are saturated with water, preferring soups, teas, and watery fruits and vegetables. The easiest meal for them to ingest is the steam rising from a bowl or cup. They are solid enough to wear clothing, and dense enough that they walk on the ground. They have a difficult time swimming as they are so buoyant that they float atop the water unless carrying a decent load. Gailleanns procreate via sexual coupling, but have no sexes. Two forms comingle and one or both of them may choose to develop a blended embryo that develops at roughly the same rate as a human.
Gailleanns get along fairly well with peaceful neighbors. They do not have a penchant for conquest or for creating large settlements. Most tend to live in commune villages of fellow Gailleanns, separating to form new communes when they get larger than a couple hundred population. Those that crave larger towns and cities will join the settlements of other races. Their relaxed society makes them easy to get along with, though some races resent them for their perceived laziness.
Gailleanns tend towards Neutral as a society, but as individuals they are as varied as any race.
Gailleanns prefer to live in wet regions and along coasts as they benefit from the humidity. Deserts and arid planes are not desirable at all.
Religions of the Gailleann peoples tend to focus on weather deities. And their metaphors frequently have an atmospheric bias. May the wind be ever at your back.
Gailleanns speak Common and Auran. Though not elementals themselves, Gailleanns find the language of air elementals easy to use and have gravitated towards its use amongst each other. However, as it is a rare language for other material plane dwellers, they most often speak in Common. Most Gailleanns find that it is a delight to meet another person who can converse in Auran with them.
<!-- Insert the way your race acquires names. You may wish to include sample names as well. -->
===Racial Traits===
{{3.5e Racial Traits
|attribfluff=Gailleanns are very light and mobile, but they have a difficult time maintaining a coherent form which causes their
|typefluff=<!-- Fluff about why they are this type. Not required. -->
|specialtext1=Gailleanns are resistant to critical damage and energies due to their semi-gaseous bodies. They have 50% fortification versus precision damage and critical hits, and take 50% damage from energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire).
|special1=Amorphous Form
|specialtext2=Gailleans are vulnerable to arid environments, taking a -4 to environmental DCs for dry environments or desiccating spells such as ''[[SRD:Horrid_Wilting|horrid wilting]]''. Gailleans also must consume twice as much water per day as a humanoid of their size to avoid dehydration.
|special2=Arid Vulnerability
|specialtext3=Gailleans are easily moved by winds and can walk on water. Strong winds and wind effects treat Gailleans as if they were 2 sizes smaller. Their low density does not allow flight, but it does allow them to gently fall as though under the effect of a continuous ''[[SRD:Featherfall|featherfall]]''. And they may walk upon water as though under the effect of a continuous ''[[SRD:Waterwalking|waterwalking]]''.
|specialtext4=Gailleans by their nature become easily proficient with weather and air magics. Treat their caster level as +1 higher for any [Air] or [Weather] spells.
|special4=Weather Affinity
|autolanguage=Common, Auran
|favoredclass=<!-- Class names, as they appear on the wiki. Multiple classes may be separated by 'or'. Example: "Wizard" and "Barbarian or Berserker". Leave blank for "Any" -->
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|mHeightBase=<!-- male base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|mHeightMod=<!-- male height modifier -->
|mWeightBase=<!-- male base weight -->
|mWeightMod=<!-- male weight modifier -->
|fHeightBase=<!-- female base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|fHeightMod=<!-- female height modifier -->
|fWeightBase=<!-- female base weight -->
|fWeightMod=<!-- female weight modifier -->}}
{{3.5e Races Breadcrumb}}
|date_created=October 30, 2024
An enigmatic race born of storm energies. They have formed humanoid bodies from stormstuff, and have a corporeal physical form, but it is their spirit that holds them together, rather than tendons and bone.
Gailleanns are an easy-going people, introspective and observant.
===Physical Description===
Gailleanns appear as androgynous humanoids with less distinct features, and their coloring tends to be grayscale with poor contrast. Generally they appear light gray, though they may darken when angry or stressed. When sleeping a Gailleann tends to relax and become somewhat fluffy. Their meals are saturated with water, preferring soups, teas, and watery fruits and vegetables. The easiest meal for them to ingest is the steam rising from a bowl or cup. They are solid enough to wear clothing, and dense enough that they walk on the ground. They have a difficult time swimming as they are so buoyant that they float atop the water unless carrying a decent load. Gailleanns procreate via sexual coupling, but have no sexes. Two forms comingle and one or both of them may choose to develop a blended embryo that develops at roughly the same rate as a human.
Gailleanns get along fairly well with peaceful neighbors. They do not have a penchant for conquest or for creating large settlements. Most tend to live in commune villages of fellow Gailleanns, separating to form new communes when they get larger than a couple hundred population. Those that crave larger towns and cities will join the settlements of other races. Their relaxed society makes them easy to get along with, though some races resent them for their perceived laziness.
Gailleanns tend towards Neutral as a society, but as individuals they are as varied as any race.
Gailleanns prefer to live in wet regions and along coasts as they benefit from the humidity. Deserts and arid planes are not desirable at all.
Religions of the Gailleann peoples tend to focus on weather deities. And their metaphors frequently have an atmospheric bias. May the wind be ever at your back.
Gailleanns speak Common and Auran. Though not elementals themselves, Gailleanns find the language of air elementals easy to use and have gravitated towards its use amongst each other. However, as it is a rare language for other material plane dwellers, they most often speak in Common. Most Gailleanns find that it is a delight to meet another person who can converse in Auran with them.
<!-- Insert the way your race acquires names. You may wish to include sample names as well. -->
===Racial Traits===
{{3.5e Racial Traits
|attribfluff=Gailleanns are very light and mobile, but they have a difficult time maintaining a coherent form which causes their
|typefluff=<!-- Fluff about why they are this type. Not required. -->
|specialtext1=Gailleanns are resistant to critical damage and energies due to their semi-gaseous bodies. They have 50% fortification versus precision damage and critical hits, and take 50% damage from energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire).
|special1=Amorphous Form
|specialtext2=Gailleans are vulnerable to arid environments, taking a -4 to environmental DCs for dry environments or desiccating spells such as ''[[SRD:Horrid_Wilting|horrid wilting]]''. Gailleans also must consume twice as much water per day as a humanoid of their size to avoid dehydration.
|special2=Arid Vulnerability
|specialtext3=Gailleans are easily moved by winds and can walk on water. Strong winds and wind effects treat Gailleans as if they were 2 sizes smaller. Their low density does not allow flight, but it does allow them to gently fall as though under the effect of a continuous ''[[SRD:Featherfall|featherfall]]''. And they may walk upon water as though under the effect of a continuous ''[[SRD:Waterwalking|waterwalking]]''.
|specialtext4=Gailleans by their nature become easily proficient with weather and air magics. Treat their caster level as +1 higher for any [Air] or [Weather] spells.
|special4=Weather Affinity
|autolanguage=Common, Auran
|favoredclass=<!-- Class names, as they appear on the wiki. Multiple classes may be separated by 'or'. Example: "Wizard" and "Barbarian or Berserker". Leave blank for "Any" -->
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|mHeightBase=<!-- male base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|mHeightMod=<!-- male height modifier -->
|mWeightBase=<!-- male base weight -->
|mWeightMod=<!-- male weight modifier -->
|fHeightBase=<!-- female base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|fHeightMod=<!-- female height modifier -->
|fWeightBase=<!-- female base weight -->
|fWeightMod=<!-- female weight modifier -->}}
{{3.5e Races Breadcrumb}}