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Talk:Paladin, Tome (3.5e Class)

2,458 bytes added, 08:32, 12 November 2009
Beyond Wizard?
Discuss. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji Hyrule]] 00:07, November 11, 2009 (UTC)
:It's missing most of the cleric's offensive powers against targets that aren't undead or demons. No Slay Living or Harm, for instance. If I designed the spell list right, this Paladin basically shouldn't be able to take down anything that matters in a single hit, and instead be reduced to grinding away their hit points, which is fine for her because of her defenses. I might remove a few problematic spells from the spell list, or defer them to higher levels, though.
:When I same-game tested this class, grapple monsters managed to overwhelm the build I used (low strength, pumping Wisdom and Charisma to the max), but nothing else could since she had an armor class high enough to actually matter against level-appropriate basher monsters (I think it was 38 at 10th level), and saves capable of matching it, so the paladin was perfectly fine to try to grind things down with a little one-handed sword, until she got grappled by 5th-level monsters, where my using strength as a dump stat (plus the start middle-aged for cheap bennies to your mental stats trick) started to be a problem, so Freedom of Movement is actually the most problematic spell, although I might not want to eliminate it due to my design goals. In all, though, enough things had some capability of grappling that it didn't blow the test away at 5th or 10th level, and the 15th-level test used enough monsters I don't know that I couldn't fully evaluate it.
:In a party, the goal is for this paladin to, basically, be a defensive wall that also heals and casts defensive spells on the rest of the party, while still providing some amount of damage output. To do that, the paladin basically needs to be immune or resistant to almost everything (check), have support abilities that actually matter (check), and have limited ability to actually advance the party toward winning on her own (I think I can check this off). Remember that by the time the Paladin gets the best Insightful Strike powers, the Wizard has enough save-or-dies to throw one every round and two in some rounds, and the Monk is throwing one on every attack, so doing 60 extra damage on your autoattack (42 from Insightful Strike's BAB 16 benefit plus power attacking, 16 more from Smite, and another two for good measure) isn't a meaningful contribution unless you can guarantee a full attack. The class is actually a similar concept to the Tome Fighter. --[[User:IGTN|IGTN]] 08:32, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

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