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2,290 bytes removed, 03:24, 26 November 2009
Making a Sniper
====Class Features====
All of the following are class features of the <-class name->sniper'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' <-description of class weapon & armor proficiencies->. '''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' <-Delete this section if this class does not cast spells. description of spellcasting abilities: on what stat save DCs are based, on what stat bonus spells are based, and what stat determines the highest level spell that can be cast.->. <-pluralized class name-> choose their spells from the following list: 0&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells-> 1st&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells-> 2nd&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells-> 3rd&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells->
4th&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells->
5th&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells->
6th&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells->
7th&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells->
8th&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells->
9th&mdash;<-spells, spells, spells->
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ {{Anchor|Table: <-class name-> Spells Known}}
! rowspan="2" | Level || colspan="10" | Spells Known
! 0 || 1<sup>st</sup> || 2<sup>nd</sup> || 3<sup>rd</sup> || 4<sup>th</sup> || 5<sup>th</sup> || 6<sup>th</sup> || 7<sup>th</sup> || 8<sup>th</sup> || 9<sup>th</sup>
| 1st || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 2nd || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 3rd || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 4th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 5th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 6th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 7th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 8th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 9th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 10th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 11th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 12th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 13th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 14th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 15th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 16th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 17th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 18th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 19th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
| 20th || — || — || — || — || — || — ||
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the sniper.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency''': A sniper is proficient with all simple weapons, and with light armor.He is also proficient with all ranged weapons(including exotic ones).
'''Snipe Attack:''' If a sniper is within his weapons range increment, he may spend a swift action to gain a +1d6 damage to the attack. This bonus improves every 2 levels after that.
'''Spells:''' As bard, Wisdom based chosen from the druid spell list.Prays for spells.
'''Track:''' A sniper gains Track as a bonus feat.
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