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|caption=Vassals of [[Jayem-Dea (DnD 3.5e Deity)|Jayem-Dea]] defend those who cannot defend themselves.
{{3.5e PrC Semantic
! Special:
| The character must have killed both an [[evil]] [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsider]] and a [[good]] [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsider]] single handedly, these two fights can be fought separately but the HD of both [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsiders]] must be equal to the ECL of the character at the time of the fight, the character must also be anointed by the high priest of a temple of [[Jayem-Dea (3.5e Deity)|Jayem-Dea]] after having won these fights.
''{{Anchor|Wisdom of Jayem-Dea}}:'' The Vassal of [[Jayem-Dea (3.5e Deity)|Jayem-Dea]] gains a permanent +2 bonus to [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]], this Blessing of Jayem-Dea can only be taken once.
'''{{Anchor|Equilibrium}}:''' At first level a Vassal of [[Jayem-Dea (3.5e Deity)|Jayem-Dea]] learns to never allow themselves to upset the balance of life and to protect the balance of the world, therefore, everything that they do must be done from a purely neutral and calm standpoint (i.e. no acts of genocide). As long as the character keeps to this code, they gain a kind of balance with the physical world, and receive a +1 [[dodge bonus]] to [[AC]] because of it. If the Vassal intentionally breaks this code then they loose all benefits from this class until they correct the unbalance they created and receive an [[SRD:Atonement|atonement]] spell from a [[SRD:Neutral|neutral]] cleric.
'''{{Anchor|Mettle}} ([[Ex]]):''' At seventh level, a Vassal of [[Jayem-Dea (3.5e Deity)|Jayem-Dea]] can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower of fortitude. If they makes a successful will or fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as a spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), they instead completely negate the effect. An unconscious or sleeping Vassal of [[Jayem-Dea (3.5e Deity)|Jayem-Dea]] does not gain the benefit of mettle.