Bot-assisted addition of subtypes
{{Creature Table
| size=Medium | type=[[SRD:Humanoid Type|Humanoid]] (|subtypes=[[SRD:Aquatic Subtype|Aquatic]])| hd=2d8 | hp=9 | init=+1| speed=10 ft. (2 squares), swim 60 ft.| ac=14 (+1 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +3 natural) | touch=11 | flat=13 | bab=+1 | grapple=+1| at=[[SRD:Longspear|longspear]] +2 melee (1d8/x3) or [[SRD:Light Crossbow|light crossbow]] +2 ranged (1d8/19–20)| full_at=[[SRD:Longspear|longspear]] +2 melee (1d8/x3) or [[SRD:Light Crossbow|light crossbow]] +2 ranged (1d8/19–20)| space=5 ft. | reach=5 ft.| fort=+3 | ref=+1 | will=+1| str=10| dex=12| con=10 | int=13| wis=13 | cha=11| skills=[[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (any one) +6, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +6, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +6, [[SRD:Swim Skill|Swim]] +8| feats=[[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] ([[SRD:Longspear|longspear]])| env=Warm aquatic| org=Company (2–4), patrol (11–20 plus 2 3rd-level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd–6th level), or tribe (30–100 plus 100% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)| cr=1/2| treas=Standard| align=[[SRD:Neutral|Usually neutral]]| adv=By [[SRD:Classes|character class]]| la=+1
Although [[SRD:Humanoid Type|humanoid]] in shape, locathahs are clearly more fish than human. The average locathah stands 5 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds. Females and males look very much alike, although the former can be recognized by the two ochre stripes marking their egg sacs.