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Pearl Shape (3.5e Spell)

52 bytes removed, 01:57, 9 December 2009
semantic cleanup
|desc=<!-- spell descriptors -->
|lvl= Clr3Cleric 3, Drd3Druid 3, SorSorcerer/Wiz4Wizard 4
|comp=S, F
|casttime=1 standard action
|summary=You alter the shape of an object made of pearl.
[[3e Summary::You may shape and craft [[Pearl (3.5e Equipment)|pearl and shell]] of the same type to form a variety of shapes.]] This effect only works on unattended [[Pearl (3.5e Equipment)|pearl or shell]]. When used in conjunction with a [[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] skill to form equipment or tools, no material is lost if the check result fails. Achieving fine detail is possible with this spell. This spell can be used to form any equipment that is normally made of steel, as well as repair broken or damaged equipment.
''Focus:'' A single pearl (of the pearl type to be molded) worth at least 50. This pearl is not consumed in the process.
[[Category:Transmutation School]]
[[Category:Cleric 3]]
[[Category:Druid 3]]
[[Category:Sorcerer/Wizard 4]]
[[Category:User:Ganteka Future]]

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