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Time Bender (3.5e Class)

6 bytes removed, 04:57, 25 December 2009
Time Benders in the Game: (yeah)
'''Adaptation:''' Time benders may take on any role, no matter how far fetched it may be. Time benders could be the members of a dark organization that has mastered the art of controlling time, and rules the world with the threat of temporal disaster. There could be the case that only a single time bender exists, an old man who lives in a tiny town on the coast, and even he came across his ability by accident. It could even be that only people who have travelled through time could become time benders.
'''Sample EncounterNPC:''' Osahar Ini-herit grew up in a strange world, one where the only way of living was through lies, and where everyone was fighting for themselves. During his life he saw the strongest men cry, works of art burn, and temples flow with blood. There wasn't a single moment that Osahar didn't wish he could control time, go back and warn those who had no warning, or at least stop time from going forward, so that he wouldn't have to see any more horrible things happen. Then the worst thing happened, his mother was gone, the thing that had taught him how to hide, how to change shape, who had protected him, was gone. Osahar was alone in the world. He had to hide after that for many years. Until one day, he found a job, and a warm place to sleep, as the delivery boy for a construct maker named Daniel Maske. Osahar had to stay changed all the time while he worked, since people were afriad of what he was, and would kill him just as soon as look at him, but he didn't mind, he was safe. Over the years as Osahar worked, the slowly learned how to make small constructs from his master, who was a strangely friendly man. Eventually, Osahar learned enough to make his own, personal homunculus, and Daniel even gave him the tools and materials to make it without asking anything of him. So, Osahar made himself a humunculus, and had it follow him around wherever he went. Osahar's life had finally begun to take a turn for the better. When he was 13 years of age, Daniel gave him a raise, enough of one for Osahar to go to the library after work and read things, which he did, every day, bringing his humunculus with him for company. Osahar read many books, about ways to build towers, about disasters in far away places, and most all, about time. Osahar slowly learned how time flowed, how it could be changed, and what things were entailed with time. Osahar was slowly becoming a time bender. Then the war came, and there was fire everywhere. Daniel woke him up and told him to get out of the city, and to meet him in a tavern to the west, and so Osahar did this, but then Daniel never came to the tavern. Soon people were asking him to leave, Daniel slept outside then, still Daniel never came. Osahar left after a month, finally admitting to himself that Daniel wouldn't come. Now he wanders the world, looking for people to help, or to save from his sad fate.
''EL 17:'' {{:Osahar Ini-herit (3.5e NPC)}}

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