== Ceila ==
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{{3.5e Deity
|sym=Twin shooting stars.|plane=Nymnelia, (Cloud Lands)
|align=Neutral Good
|port=Love, Peace, Emotion, Singing
Temples of Ceila are built as marriage halls and gathering places of communities. Though not everyone worships Ceila, her marriages are universally recognized in the eyes of all the Sosha Genia. [[SRD:Cleric|Clerics]] of Ceila often travel the land and perform marriage rites.
Her temples are easy to recognize from the outside. Two large, brass maces with waving golden banners attached to each (sometimes one mace above the other, sometimes side-by-side) are displayed prominently to be viewed from a distance. These brass maces with pennant banners represent her holy symbol, the twin shooting stars.
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