slight breadcrumb edit
{{quote|With a foul guttural utterance and a rude gesture, the wizard transforms into a fiend from the lower planes.}}
The target assumes the appearance of a specific individual of medium size or smaller, or of a generic member of a fiendish race. The target is effectively disguised, and gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks made to impersonate the genuine article. The target suffers no penalties to Disguise for assuming the visage of a different race or sex. While in Fiendish form, the target gains two bonus [Fiend] feats of your choice that it would meet the requirements for if it was actually a member of a fiendish race, and gains access to a sphere of your choice. In order to use a spell-like ability from the sphere, the target must expend one spell-slot or prepared spell of an equal or greater spell-level, but there is no other limit to how many times the spell-like abilities can be used. Rules for [Fiend] feats and spheres may be found in the [[Tome of Fiends (3.5e Sourcebook)|Tome of Fiends]].</onlyinclude>
{{3.5e Dungeonomicon Breadcrumb/Maginomicon}} → [[Dungeonomicon (3.5e Sourcebook)/Maginomicon|Maginomicon]]<br />
{{3.5e Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Breadcrumb}}