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294 bytes removed, 03:59, 18 January 2010
Monster Modernizing (bot-assisted)
{{Creature Table3.5e Monster Classic
|size=Medium |type=[[SRD:Monstrous Humanoid Type|Monstrous Humanoid]] |subtypes=[[SRD:Aquatic Subtype|Aquatic]]
|hd=2d8+2 |hp=11
If a community of aquatic elves is located within 100 miles of a sahuagin community, about one in one hundred sahuagin looks just like an aquatic elf. These creatures, called malenti, have a swim speed of 40 feet, can remain out of water for 1 hour per point of [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]], and have freshwater sensitivity and light sensitivity ([[SRD:Dazzled|dazzled]] in bright light). Malenti have no natural attacks. They are otherwise identical with sahuagin.
 ----{{SRD Creature FooterBreadcrumb}}[[Category:Aquatic Subtype|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:CR2OGL Bottom|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Evil Alignmentpart of the Revised (v.3.5) System Reference Document|{{BASEPAGENAMESRD}}]][[Category:Lawful Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}SRD]][[Category:Medium Size|{{BASEPAGENAME}}OGL]][[Category:Monstrous Humanoid Type|{{BASEPAGENAME}}Monster]]
[[Category:Warm Climate|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Aquatic Terrain|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]

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