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White Mage (3.5e Class)

178 bytes added, 04:28, 18 January 2010
Class Features
4th&mdash;''astral hospice''<ref name="plhb" />, ''[[SRD:Cure Critical Wounds|cure critical wounds]]'', ''[[SRD:Death Ward|death ward]]'', ''delay death''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Freedom of Movement|freedom of movement]]'', ''[[SRD:Good Hope|good hope]]'', ''planar tolerance''<ref name="plhb" />, ''mass [[SRD:Shield of Faith|shield of faith]]'', ''[[SRD:Resilient Sphere|resilient sphere]]'', ''[[SRD:Restoration|restoration]]'', ''revenance''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Spell Immunity|spell immunity]]'', ''[[SRD:Stoneskin|stoneskin]]''
5th&mdash;''[[SRD:Break Enchantment|break enchantment]]'', ''greater vigor''<ref name="cdiv" />, ''life's grace''<ref name="spc" />, ''lucent lance''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Light Wounds|mass cure light wounds]]'', ''[[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]]'', ''revivify''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Spell Resistance|spell resistance]]'', ''[[SRD:Undeath to Death|undeath to death]]'', ''[[SRD:Wall of Force|wall of force]]''
6th&mdash;''[[SRD:Animate Objects|animate objects]]'', ''[[SRD:Bolt of Glory|bolt of glory]]'', ''[[SRD:Contingency|contingency]]'', ''energy immunity''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Globe of Invulnerability|globe of invulnerability]]'', ''[[SRD:Heal|heal]]'', ''[[SRD:Heroes' Feast|heroes' feast]]'', ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Moderate Wounds|mass cure moderate wounds]]'', ''ray of light''<ref>[[Publication:Dragon Magazine Annual #5|Dragon Magazine Annual #5]]</ref>, ''revive outsider''<ref name="motp">[[Publication:Manual of the Planes (3e)|Manual of the Planes]]</ref>, ''[[SRD:Stone to Flesh|stone to flesh]]'', ''[[SRD:Word of Recall|word of recall]]''
'''{{Anchor|Planar Immunity}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A White Mage's physiology starts off fairly normal, but it slowly shuts down and discards systems that are redundant due to her overwhelming lifeforce. At 2nd level, a White Mage no longer needs to sleep and gains immunity to sleep effects. At 5th level, this immunity extends to paralysis and fear, and at 9th level she is immune to disease and poison and also no longer needs to eat or drink.
'''{{Anchor|Advanced Learning}}:''' At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter, the White Mage may permanently add one spell to her spell list. This spell must be of a level she can already cast, and must be from either the Abjuration school or , the (Healing) subschool, or have the [Light] descriptor. Only spells from the Cleric or Wizard spell lists may be learned in this way.
'''{{Anchor|Instant Ward}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' At 3rd level, the White Mage may grant any ally within 30 ft. a +5 bonus to AC and saves for one round as an immediate action.
'''{{Anchor|Lifesense}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' At 5th level, the White Mage is familiar enough with the flow of positive energy that she can see it in other beings, even when her other senses fail. She gains blindsense out to 40 ft. to detect living or undead creatures, and knows how healthy they are as with ''[[SRD:Deathwatch|deathwatch]]''. At 10th level, this ability is equivalent to blindsight. At 15th level, this sense extends out to 120 ft.
'''{{Anchor|Friggin' Lasers}}:''' At 6th level, any [Light] spells the White Mage casts gain a +2 bonus to caster level.
'''{{Anchor|False Divinity}}:''' A White Mage's magic is similar to many sources of divine power, close enough to mimic true divinity. At 6th level her White Mage spellcasting counts as both arcane and divine for the purposes of taking prestige classes. She does not gain more than one White Mage caster level from any given level of a prestige class using this ability; a White Mage 6/Mystic Theurge 5 would only cast as an 11th-level White Mage. You probably shouldn't try to do that.

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