→Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Magic Hands}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' As an attack action, the White Mage may either deal damage or restore hit points equal to 1d6 + her Wisdom modifier to a touched target. This is a positive energy-based effect, and thus cannot heal undead (without spark of life applied), does not affect many constructs, and cannot damage Positive Energy Plane natives. Because this is not a spell, it does not benefit from Brilliance.
'''{{Anchor|Brilliance}}:''' White Mages are directly linked to a dimension of raw energy, and this makes them very shiny. It also means their energy powers get all over the place. Any level-dependent bonuses to a White Mage's Healing spells are uncapped by level (so a ''[[SRD:Cure Light Wounds|cure light wounds]]'' spell would heal 1d8+1/caster level, even if caster level exceeds 5). Additionally, any Touch-range Healing spell a 2nd-level White Mage casts is automatically a Reach Spell<ref name="cdiv" />, and all Healing spells affect a number of additional targets up to her Wisdom modifier (subject to the restrictions of Chain Spell<ref name="carc" >[[Publication:Complete Arcane|Complete Arcane]]</ref>). At 4th level the [[SRD:Empower Spell|Empower Spell]] metamagic is applied to all (Healing) spells and all prior effects of the Brilliance ability (uncapped bonuses, Reach, and Chain) apply to Abjurations, at 8th level all (Healing) and Abjuration spells are [[SRD:Heighten Spell|Heightened]] to the highest castable White Mage spell level, and at 10th level all (Healing) spells are [[SRD:Maximize Spell|Maximized]].
Metamagic effects applied via this ability do not cause the spells to require a higher-level slot nor do they increase the casting time.