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Warlord (3.5e Class)

30 bytes added, 10:57, 28 January 2010
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'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Battle Juggernauts are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).
'''{{Anchor|Weapon Focus}}:''' A Battle Juggernaut gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat at first level and may take the feat with any weapon which he is proficient. Also, from 1st level forward a Battle Juggernaut's levels also counts as a , and stack with, fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for weapon related feats such as weapon specialization and others.
'''{{Anchor|Fast Movement}}:''' A Battle Juggernauts land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. The Battle Juggernaut may also apply this speed while wearing heavy armor and not carrying a heavy load after receiving the Armor Mastery (heavy) ability at 9th level. Apply this bonus before modifying the Battle Juggernauts speed because of any load carried or armor worn. For example, a human Battle Juggernaut has a speed of 40 rather than 30 feet, when wearing light or no armor. When wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load, his speed drops to 30 feet. After receiving the Armor Mastery (medium) ability at 4th level, his speed would only drop back down to 30 feet for carrying a medium load, but would otherwise remain 40 feet in the medium armor. A Halfling Battle Juggernaut has a speed of 30 feet rather than 20 feet in light or no armor. When wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load his speed drops to 20 feet. After receiving the Armor Mastery (medium) ability at 4th level, his speed would only drop back down to 20 feet for carrying a medium load, but would otherwise remain 30 feet in the medium armor.

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