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Talk:Sharpshooter (3.5e Class)

323 bytes added, 19:04, 8 February 2010
Balance Level
:::: As for UMD not being effective if there's a wizard in the group... gravestrike/vinestrike/golemstrike UMD'ed can let you freely sneak attack monsters that are usually immune. Wraithstrike turns all your attacks into touch attacks, make it so that you virtually always hit. Divine Power gives you the BAB of a fighter. Need I go on? Adding dex to damage is easy--pick up a level of swordsage and the Shadow Blade feat. Same for many ranged combatants, with the Dead Eye feat in Dragon Compendium.
:::: One thing that I don't think that I'm expressing well is that in truth, rogues aren't a really good example the rogue-balance level, especially when you ignore UMD and take it out of the equation. See the combat rogue for a build that focuses on actual damage, rather than a fairly dedicated skill monkey. Alternatively, take a look at the swordsage or warblade--both are classes that are very firmly in the rogue category of balance, while being able to use their abilities all day long. If you want to compare it to a per-day character, [[Low Level Nova (3.5e Optimized Build)|duskblades]] are a good representation of what a rogue-level class can do.
:::: In short, when you compare to other rogue-level classes, the sharpshooter's damage isn't all that impressive--and damage-via-attacks isn't that impressive anyway, since you need to bypass so many defenses (AC, illusions, concealment, cover, etc), especially when compared to relevent examples from the rogue-level balance point. :::: All that said, if you still feel strongly that this class would be better rated at the wizard level, you could always post [[Forum:Administration|here]] and if your arguments are cogent and relevant, you can get the rating changed against the creator's will. And feel free to do so--I won't be offended if you do :-) --[[User:Ghostwheel|Ghostwheel]] 19:00, February 8, 2010 (UTC)
== Team Fortress Sniper? ==

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