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Natural Magic (4e Sorcerer Variant)

247 bytes added, 19:31, 27 February 2010
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Your {{I}}arcane power source|arcane powers]] ignore any target's {{I}}resist|resistance]] to that damage type up to the value of your resistance.
'''Arcane Shield:''' You gain [[Arcane Shield (4e Feat)While you are conscious, you maintain a shield of magical force around you. This shield provides a +2 {{I}}bonuses and penalties|bonus]] to {{I}}AC|AC]]. If you become unconscious, your arcane shielddisappears. You can restore it by taking a {{I}}short rest|short]] as a or {{I}}bonus featextended rest|bonus featextended rest]].
'''Healing TouchNatural Gift:''' You At 1st level, you gain [[Healing Touch (4e Feat)an extra 1st level sorcerer {{I}}at-will power|healing touchat-will]] as a {{I}}bonus featattack power|bonus featattack power]].

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