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5 bytes added, 02:00, 1 March 2010
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'''{{Anchor|Spirit Mask}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Sp]]):''' The spiritualist continues to unlock the power of spirits, and may don some of their abilities, gaining the ability to cast the following spells as spell-like abilities:
*At eigth level, the spiritualist may cast [[SRD:Invisibility|Invisibility]] at will, though he may only target himself and the spell lasts a number of rounds equal to half his class level.
*At thirteenth level, the spiritualist may cast [[SRD:Greater Invisibility|Greater Invsibility]] once per hour, though he may only target himself with this ability.
*At sixteenth level, the spiritualist may cast [[SRD:Ethereal Jaunt|Ethereal Jaunt]] once per day.

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